Active Directory plays a pivotal role in Windows Azure / Windows Server network architecture as a directory service, so a thorough knowledge of Active Directory is essential for IT professionals working in a Windows environment.
Developed originally for Microsoft's Windows domain network and now part of Azure, Active Directory is a set of processes and services including storing user accounts and passwords in one protected location to improve an organization's security. Active Directory is an umbrella title for a broad range of directory-based identity-related services.
ONLC Training Centers, an authorized Microsoft Solutions Partner for Training Services, has the training classes that will help you learn and expand your Active Directory skills. Get started with Active Directory today by taking classes with ONLC's experienced professional instructors!
Instructor-led Training (ILT) -or- On-Demand
Instructor-led Training (ILT
) classes
are live, hands-on training offered at ONLC centers coast to coast or choose to attend from your own location
. Alternatively, On-Demand courses are self-study (typically a blend of video tutorials, labs and exercises) for which you get 24/7 access for a period of months. May not be available for all titles.
You get more with ONLC! Train with confidence knowing we have a money-back satisfaction guarantee plus see a class a 2nd time with our optional free refresher course
. These ONLC value-adds are available when you attend our public, instructor-led training (ILT) classes.
Our Group Training solutions can help save both time and money upskilling your staff. Training can be public or private with instruction delivered virtually or onsite. We can even customize course content to meet specific learning objectives, schedules and budgets! To learn more and for a price quote see Group Training .
Click the title of the classes marked with the green flag () to see specific locations and dates of Ready to Run classes. Click the title of the classes marked with the yellow flag (
) to see specific locations and dates of Early Notice classes.
Click Title for Dates & Outlines | Days | Fee |
Active Directory (Instructor-led, Hands-on) | ||
AZ-800: Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure | 4 | $2395 |
AZ-801: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services | 4 | $2395 ![]() |
SC-300: Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator | 4 | $1995 ![]() |
SC-900: Microsoft Security, Compliance and Identity Fundamentals | 1 | $495 ![]() |
Active Directory (On-Demand, Self-Study) | ||
Microsoft On-Demand: 20742-Identity with Windows Server 2016 | 5 | $995 ![]() |
Active Directory is a Microsoft technology. Though there isn't a role-based certification specifically for Active Directory, it is found in Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate and Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate
Or view all Microsoft Technical Certifications .
Education Advisors to Help You
Our advisors can assist you with questions about our classes, vendor certifications and discount options plus help you select training that is right for you. For assistance, contact our Education Advisors toll free in the USA at 1-800-288-8221 (weekdays).
ONLC Centers Coast to Coast
ONLC provides live, hands-on classes with an online instructor at our hundreds of training centers coast to coast. Our centers are fully equipped and provide an interruption-free environment to focus on learning. Find ONLC centers near me .
Live Classes from Your Location
You can attend our live, instructor-led classes from the comfort and convenience of your own home. The setup is really easy and you don't have to have the class software on your device. Follow our easy setup video . If you're still unsure about the setup contact an ONLC Advisor toll free for assistance.
Volume Discounts with ONLC Learning Credits
Get maximum buying power and flexibility with ONLC Learning Credits. They're a great way to prepay for training plus secure a substantial volume discount on end-user and technical training. Credits can be used for live, instructor-led and self-study, On-Demand formats. Learning credits are good for up to a year! See details & pricing .
To learn more about ONLC's classes and Microsoft certification or should you need assistance please contact our Education Advisors weekdays via the CHAT feature or by phone at: