Exam Pass Guarantee
Classes with Exam Prep & Vouchers
ONLC is committed to the success of our students and we are confident in the training you'll receive. For training with ONLC that provides an exam prep and exam voucher as part of your purchase, we offer our Exam Pass Guarantee:
If you do not pass the authorized certification exam on your first try,
we'll provide
one (1)
additional exam voucher
free of charge.
To Qualify
To qualify for our Exam Pass Guarantee your ONLC class must come with a practice exam and exam voucher as part of the purchase, and you must meet these guidelines:
- Meet Prerequisites.
You meet the course requirements for prior knowledge and experience before attending the class.
- Take Entire Class. For Instructor-led Training (ILT) courses you must attend every day of the course and actively participate and follow along with the class. For On-Demand, self-study courses you must review all of the material plus take and submit a certificate of completion which can be printed directly from your course.
- Score 85% or higher on Practice Exam. The student must take the practice exam and achieve a score of 85% or higher. Please note that Practice Exam expirations vary based on exam type. Students will receive an email at the start of class with details on how to access the Practice Exam.
- Contact Us. Send the required documentation and your request for an authorized exam voucher to ONLC's Exam Review Team.
- Take Authorized Exam in Timely Fashion.* The authorized exam must be taken within one year of the completion date of your class/on-demand course.
If you fail the authorized exam...
- Study Some More. Review your course materials. Students who attended instructor-led training (ILT) class may retake that same course one time (1x) for free within 12 months of original class*—call ONLC's toll free number below to schedule a retake. You will need to use your original course materials for the retake. Class retake option is not available for On-Demand courses. We recommend you also continue studying and retake the practice test.
- Submit Proof. If you fail the authorized exam on your first try, send your authorized exam score to ONLC's Exam Review Team.
- Get New Exam Voucher. We will send a new exam voucher to you. We strongly recommend you retake the authorized exam within 30 days of receiving the new voucher.
* IMPORTANT NOTE—All Courses & Formats:
Though ONLC specifies deadlines for training, exam preps and authorized exams, those details can be superseded should the governing body for your certification (e.g. Microsoft, Adobe, CompTIA, et al.) announce a change or retirement for the certification or software. ONLC is not the governing body for certifications so cannot alter or delay such changes. ONLC Bundle purchasers are directly responsible to adjust their training and exam schedule accordingly should the certification vendor announce a change or retirement. Additionally, retired courses are no longer applicable for ONLC's free retake, make-up and/or extended lab time options.
Certiport Exams & Locations
Certiport is the authorized testing provider for Microsoft MOS, Adobe ACP and Autodesk AutoCAD exams. Candidates training with ONLC for those certifications may be able to take Certiport-sponsored exams from home. (Some restrictions and requirements apply.) Complete the exam request form
to have an ONLC advisor coordinate with you for this option. THIS OPTION IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR ONLC's STUDENTS.
Those preferring a testing venue and those who have not trained with ONLC need to contact Certiport directly or can visit Certiport's list of locations
to schedule an exam.
Questions / More Information
If you are an ONLC student and have questions about our Exam Pass Guarantee send email to ONLC's Exam Review Team, or call us toll free during regular business hours:
Exam Pass Guarantee Terms & Conditions
- Good on any certification add-on offer that includes an "Exam Pass Guarantee" and has an associated practice exam software package. Training can be instructor-led (ILT) or self-study (On-Demand).
- If a practice test is not available or included with your class, additional exam voucher cannot be issued.
- The replacement exam voucher must be used within 6 months of attending the original course.
- Free class retake is limited to learners who attended the ILT course format. Free retake course must be within 12 months of original ILT class and must be same title and version.* You must use your original training materials as no new materials will be issued.
- This offer is not applicable for expired vouchers or to those who have not attended that training with ONLC.
- No substitutions allowed.